Official Smiley Collection Topic

857 Replies, 439413 Views

ok, just post any smileys you want uploaded here, and if they cool we'll stick em up

:d Smile Icon_sad Eek Icon_eek Baffled Cool Lol Mad Icon_razz Oops Icon_cry Icon_evil Twisted Roll Wink Icon_exclaim Icon_question Icon123 Neutral Mrgreen Shoot 321 Alien Alc Angel Arg Arg Beam Blowup Borg Rainbow Cuss Evil Crazy :cofee: Infinity Release Mona Loris Scatter :supershock :johnb :sleep Left Sniper :spiral :t2000 Tomato Burnin Vamp Falcon :drink Bigstick :bigfro :twofinger :shoot1 201tongue :ahhhhh Afro :ak Banghead :biting :blackcat :shocker :blindfold :bomber :boxedin Butthead :censored :chillpill Confused :cowboy :crazee :crowded :darkside :drill :charged :duck :eeks :emb :evilgrinb :fez FIREdevil :fish Flaming Flipa :frowner :gangster :geezer :reaper Hyper Hypno Hahaha :hulk Bncry Sharp :lame Nookie :madd :medi :wack :knockout :jamaaw Punk :mooner :momoon :mrt :bouncer :coolflip No Yes Nono :violin Icon_razzimpin Thumbd Xyxthumbs Sad2 :shrug Chin :shhh :smasher Smiley7 :spark :smooth :footy Sonar Starwars Jawdrop :hurl :glazed :bang :slash :uzi Veryevil Onefinger :burn Wave Nervous :vflip :yawn :shitme :zombie :shocks :willy Whodeany Boobies :bustedthumb Bogroll :tectonic Crucified Flameth Frog Banana :ranton :wiggum Apu Smilie24sim Esb Spank Spider Chewie :termibart :bart1 Smilie03sim Lisa Smilie05sim :margewink Smilie08sim Barney Smilie11sim Brockman :simp1 Moe :milhouse Smilie18sim Nelson Ralph Smithers Smilie22sim Barneyb Skinner Face Xrayhomer Cakehomer Lisasax Leggit Simpson04 Strut Xerx4 Ymca

Brilliant !
[Image: heads_or_tails.gif]
[Image: tgv.gif]
[Image: greenchainsaw.gif]
wanna try and keep the board smart lookin, so try and get real nicely animated ones, with a black background....

[Image: stormzap1.gif]
[Image: sterb147.gif]
[Image: 220.gif]
[Image: 052.gif]
[Image: 477.gif]
[Image: 049.gif]
[Image: 1237.gif]

Here is some ideas (i cant do em as i dont know how!!)

Stevie D

Homer Simpson

If anyone can do a Jimmy Hill that would be bad

Exxon (computer fool)
check da new smilies

Falcon :reaper :drill :jamaaw
scope Wrote::d Smile Icon_sad Eek Icon_eek Baffled Cool Lol Mad Icon_razz Oops Icon_cry Icon_evil Twisted Roll Wink Icon_exclaim Icon_question Icon123 Neutral Mrgreen Shoot 321 Alien Alc Angel Arg Arg Beam Blowup Borg Rainbow Cuss Evil Crazy :cofee: Infinity Release Mona Loris Scatter :supershock :johnb :sleep Left Sniper :spiral :t2000 Tomato Burnin Vamp Falcon :drink Bigstick :bigfro :twofinger :shoot1 201tongue :ahhhhh Afro :ak Banghead :biting :blackcat :shocker :blindfold :bomber :boxedin Butthead :censored :chillpill Confused :cowboy :crazee :crowded :darkside :drill :charged :duck :eeks :emb :evilgrinb :fez FIREdevil :fish Flaming Flipa :frowner :gangster :geezer :reaper Hyper Hypno Hahaha :hulk Bncry Sharp :lame Nookie :madd :medi :wack :knockout :jamaaw Punk :mooner :momoon :mrt :bouncer :coolflip No Yes Nono :violin Icon_razzimpin Thumbd Xyxthumbs Sad2 :shrug Chin :shhh :smasher Smiley7 :spark :smooth :footy Sonar Starwars Jawdrop :hurl :glazed :bang :slash :uzi Veryevil Onefinger :burn Wave Nervous :vflip :yawn :shitme :zombie :shocks :willy


i ain't gettin' on no plane suckah!

don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when i'm angry!

jammaaaw mother fucker!
my faves are the falcon slayer, mr t and michael fucking jackson.heeee heeeeeeee Falcon
Its all about the Star Wards smiley. That cracks me up every time. I also love the 'going for a piss' smiley. HE HE HE
[Image: huepfenbrwn_md_wht.gif] [Image: badthumbs.gif] [Image: nana.gif] [Image: falconslayer.gif]
[Image: groundmotion-forum-banner.gif]
[Image: conscious-banner-latest.gif]
[Image: badthumbs.gif] [Image: badthumbs.gif] [Image: badthumbs.gif] [Image: badthumbs.gif]
[Image: groundmotion-forum-banner.gif]
[Image: conscious-banner-latest.gif]

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