So subverts what have you been reading recently?

924 Replies, 690360 Views

last few months i've read

kafka on the shore and dance dance dance both by haruki murakami both excellent (still havent read a bad novel by him)

battle royal by koushun takami the book that the film was based on if u like the flim u'll like the book

house of leaves by mark z. danielewski this book actuall had a huge impact on me Twisted if u havent read it u need to this is a modern classic!

diary by chuck palahniuk and i am presently reading haunted by him, i have pretty much read every single novel he has written and again they are all fantastic, very twisted but good none-the-less

so subverts wot have u lot been reading recently
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
Razzle (Has to be found in the woods and be very damp)
Unsane Wrote:Razzle (Has to be found in the woods and be very damp)

Icon_eek Hahaha
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
clockwork orange Icon_eek

try n get a copy with the forward by mr. burgesse and also hopefully a glossary for all the weird ass fukn slanguage.... Hahaha
word is bon jovi. [] unst soundcloudzen [] zein fazbooken [] unst beefy! beefy! []
nexus8 Wrote:clockwork orange Icon_eek

try n get a copy with the forward by mr. burgesse and also hopefully a glossary for all the weird ass fukn slanguage.... Hahaha

Xyxthumbs great book one of the novels that stopped me reading just comics wen i was a kid. the language is quite difficult to get ure head around at first i found myself gettin used to it after a while think it adds character to the novel. did'nt burgess then go on to write the screenplay for jesus of nazareth? maybe he thought someone upstairs was gonna Stormzap1 (finding use for obscure smilies appreciation Teef )
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
er... some science fiction

'on' by Adam Roberts : absolute horse-shite
'the forever war' by Joe Haldeman : brilliant
'Iron Sunrise' by chrales stross : kind of shitey really but passes the bus journeys


Preacher graphic novels (by Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon, and Matt Hollingsworth) - vol 1 and 2 of the collection : absolutely excellent

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Jack Kerouac - Big Sur
Che Guevara - The Motorcycle Diaries
Stacks Wrote:'the forever war' by Joe Haldeman : brilliant

prob gonna pick this up soon been wanting to read it for ages
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
prometheus rising by robert anton wilson
just read "guns germs and steel" by jareds diamond.

ethnobiology, argricultural history, anthropological evolution all combined into one immensely readable and accesible tome that pretty much sums up why europe was able to go and conquer the rest of the planet. thoroughly recommended!

"the secret history" by donna tartt - excellent novel, intrigue and murder in a small class of greek scholars in an american university, only much better than that probably sounds.

"oldest confederate widow tells all" alan gurganus - excellent narrative history of the aftermath of the american civil war told through the eyes of an old lady in an old folks home.

"the easy way to stop smoking" by allen carr. i am smoking as i type this.

"look to windward" by iain m banks's like a bloody LIBRARY out there!!!
I love A Clockwork Orange; don't read the US edition (the version the film was based on), as it misses Burgess's final least it used to, I believe.
Anyone know any good books about Oliver Cromwell/ The British Wars? I'm reading Simon Schama's 2nd History of Britain book, which is okay, but I'd like something a bit more in depth.
Also, I've heard good things about Schama's book about slavery and the American war of Independence, Rough Crossings; has anyone read this?

Have to agree with cube about Big Sur - Kerouac's best.
'Sharon and my mother in law'

'Dope Girls: Birth of the London Drug Underground'

'Ray Bradbury Collected Stories 2'

'Azumanga Daioh Vols. 1-4' (Manga)

'Trial by fire (biography/history by 2 authors, one an ex- Israeli soldier, one a prominent PLO member)

'Down The Highway: The life of Bob Dylan'

'Scary Book 2' (Kazou Umezu) (Manga)

'Necessary Illusions' (Chomsky)

'The Bookseller of Kabul' - surprisingly good - but not as good as 'the kite runner'

'Cold Mountain' (excellent book - think theres a dodgy film of it, but this was great)

'Samurai Executioner 10' (Manga)

'Buddha 6' (Manga)
peter dickinson - the kin

Tristam Shandy.
Excession - I M Banks
We need to talk about Kevin, which is really good actually, about the mother of a kid who did a columbine style thing

and the curious incident of the dog in the night time is great, a really sweet book about a kid with auspergers (sp?) syndrome.

and i read the da vinci code cus i found it its lols bad but actually quite addictive. my fave quote

'The Champs Elysee, which is called the 5th Avenue of Paris'

Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow (again!)
One of about 3 books I've ever read in 27 1/2 years on this planet.

[Image: 0330489461.01._AA140_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg]

Really good book, a little "have a go hero" nearing the end. Well worth a read if you like gritty brit reading.
Chris Inperspective Wrote:Excession - I M Banks

really really liked this when i read it!
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
zanesville - kris saknussemm

good morning captain Wrote:
Chris Inperspective Wrote:Excession - I M Banks

really really liked this when i read it!
love the sections with the shipc talking to each otjher.... hard going but fun!!!
Rogue State - William Blum
Dada & Surrealism - Mathew Gale
Chris Inperspective Wrote:
good morning captain Wrote:
Chris Inperspective Wrote:Excession - I M Banks

really really liked this when i read it!
love the sections with the shipc talking to each otjher.... hard going but fun!!!

yeah it is weird! i love the idea of a society essentially run by super - intellegent computers leaving the humans within it free to have as much fun as possible Grin
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
Van Glorious Wrote:Rogue State - William Blum

Good book. Worth checking his sources though...
no go but god by resa aslan-breaks down islam for block-headed blood-thirsty westerners who want to invade countries, like me.
SKRUB AUDIO UPDATED 5/2009 SMP 48-WHAT MUSIC?-Late Spring '09 Mix

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