got up
turned on the computer
made a coffee
surfed forums and networks for quarter of an hour
started work â editing a book on Korchnoi
stopped for lunch
played Chopin on the piano
made this thread
how much more exciting can things get?
got up
drove to work
ran around like a madman, as everything seems to break down today or go out of order
had a quick lunch (couple of bananas)
read some news to get my mind off the work stuff
replied to this thread...
got up
made breakfast
drove wife to work
drove home
put the coffee on and took a nap
made some notes for work
caught up on emails
and now im going to go pack some records before starting work in one hour
* seems i spent more time looking on the internet than i can afford today
Got up.
Smoked a cigarette.
Posted the BCL archive from last night.
Layed back down.
Got back up.
Smoked another cigarette.
Replied to this thread.
That's as far as I've gotten this morning.
Good to know everyone 'got up' to start the day
Statto Wrote:got up
turned on the computer
made a coffee
surfed forums and networks for quarter of an hour
started work – editing a book on Korchnoi
stopped for lunch
played Chopin on the piano
made this thread
how much more exciting can things get? 
Did you edit for a Korchnoi of an hour as well?
walked train station
train - coffee - train
hospital office - emails etc.
popped over road to King's to get my mid morning muffin.
saw Prince Charles - random
office - read stuff
SOAS University of London - meeting (mmm biscuits)
walked through westend
victoria line flooded
walk home
check internet stuff
reply here
got up
realized i'm sick
dicked around all morning
sorted out some red tape
prepped some tunes for mastering
applied to more jobs
going to attempt to drink away the sick... if my blood alcohol level is high enough i should be able to kick this thing
Not one of you jacked off? Liars.
J-Breaks Wrote:Not one of you jacked off? Liars.
I had relations, but I figured I'd not make anyone jealous. :P
This is a thread on the internet.
I got up too.
I had the day off work so I got up later 
Had breakfast
Had a poo
I finished off some pre-masters
Uploaded some previous finished masters to artists
Prepared some clips for soundcloud on Sunday
Tweaked a mixdown of a track and then uploaded that too to send to a label
Got changed and ran to the gym
Went bananas at the gym
Ran back from the gym
Trained on the punchbag for half an hour
Had a shower
Listened to some work in progress tunes and made notes on how to take them forward
Watched a filum
Had another poo
Ate pizza
Chilled reading the last few chapters of a book on Timelessness
Came back to my studio to work on the tunes I made a note of earlier in the day
Now I am writing this
My wife up, spent 2 hours getting ready, went out for lunch with her sister and has just come back. So she had a much harder day than me as she had to put up with my sister in law :P
got up
went to the gym
went to work
had my porridge
went out and downloaded some software for work
went to a meeting
skived off work and went to look at a bike
came home and had a snooze
posted in here
got up
walked downstairs to my home office
worked for an hour
made eggs
took about 50 phone calls
ordered the new pincone moonshine vinyl
thats it so far.
i will probably slagg off work soon and play video games and rest up for my half marathon run tomorrow.
yesterday (more going on than today):
- got up (after meds lag that seems to be happening more lately)
- coffee
- made vegetable curry and rice meal for lunch
- composed supplementary synth parts for work in progress
- more coffee
- wrote a new piano melody
- called home phone
- surfed forums
- tweeted a bit
- saw my social worker for a chat about voluntary work i tried to pursue
- more coffee
- went for a brief 10 minute walk (voices got too much after that)
- came home and napped for 2 hours
- heated up a smoked haddock risotto with creamy white wine sauce i bought the day before
- went to the pub, reading the wire #359 in parts, had 4 pints, chatted to a random
- came home, was gonna watch alan partridge - alpha papa but was too tired
- couldn't call parents or answer as had a torrent of rap lyrics in my head from busdriver
- took meds and fell asleep.
woke up
morning gongyo
went to work
drank copious amounts of green tea
ate a chicken tikka wrap
went to a random African shop, bought Nigerian beer and snacks
came home
evening Gongyo
ate a bitter melon omelet with rice
watched a nature program
played with our little one
watched anime
drank beer
listened to breakcore
got up at 7:20
uploaded "subconscious junk"
hypnotherapist at 10:30, taking him a copy of my second lp
came home, fry up with sister and parents, cup of tea
surfed internet for 30 minutes
nap listening to's "deep sky time: music for stargazing 3"
listened to my second lp all through on proper monitors for the first time
learned how to uncork a bottle of wine again
ordered indian with parents
listened to mark banning's new age "journey to the light" on students of decay for fluid radio review
read the wire #359 soundcheck digitally and made some notes on descriptions
watched alan partiridge - alpha papa
oplin Wrote:ordered the new pincone moonshine vinyl
noisemonkey Wrote:bitter melon
 it has been years since i've had bitter melon in a dish
Woke up
Drank coffee
Decided to sit and play some D aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian but really its the patterns for E aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian, but my guitar is tuned down so its actually D
Thought that, that plectrum is shit so tried another
That plectrum was also shite so tried another
The next plectrum was acceptable
Continued to sit and play some D aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian but really its the patterns for E aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian, but my guitar is tuned down so its actually D
Thought about throwing some darts
But instead decided to sit and play some more D aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian but really its the patterns for E aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian, but my guitar is tuned down so its actually D
Now I'm typing this
Eventually I threw some darts
got up at midday ish
had fry up: diced bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, toast and egg
tweeted at the wire's derek walmsley 20 times with my top 20 d'n'b tunes of 2004-2014
made the chart on subvert central and facebook
napped for 2 hours
watched a nature program about arabians, camels, whales and dubai's underground train system
watched some of the news and was disgruntled to see 'healthy' cigarette companies pledging their wares to children
unloaded some of dishwasher
set table
sat down with parents to meatballs, pasta sauce, spaghetti and salad
watched this video about Behringer and Alesis equipment
started selecting tracks for "for tara and mutley", a mix for our dogs, one left, and making a tune for them
Fada Wrote:Woke up
Drank coffee
Decided to sit and play some D aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian but really its the patterns for E aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian, but my guitar is tuned down so its actually D
Thought that, that plectrum is shit so tried another
That plectrum was also shite so tried another
The next plectrum was acceptable
Continued to sit and play some D aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian but really its the patterns for E aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian, but my guitar is tuned down so its actually D
Thought about throwing some darts
But instead decided to sit and play some more D aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian but really its the patterns for E aeolian, harmonic minor and dorian, but my guitar is tuned down so its actually D
Now I'm typing this
I had massive deja view reading this