photek bass

9 Replies, 3542 Views

anyone know how you go about synthesising the bass photek uses a lot, kind of goes dong.. e.g knitevision,silent weapons rmx,sidewinder, also teebee uses it on warfear

also what about the sound paradox uses on loads of tunes, sounds like a standard 808 thing but with some weird extra hi end, i think one of the macc tunes i heard on ukrumble used it too.. er i cant remember a track name now but its on loads. i thought it was just some distortion but i cant get the same sound.
Photek used a lot of toms,bongos,congas pitched down & filtered for his bass sounds.But if you want to try to synthesis something similar then get an fm synth of some sort I use the one on my Pulsar card but the fm7 should b fine & these can easily program similar sounding bass sounds.

Will give you a typical program set-up if i get a chance to next week.
'There's no such thing as selling out just buying in'

Chuck D
yeah i'm sure i found a preset a while ago for an fm synth that made the sound but i lost it.. a program set up would be wicked if you have time

thanksyeah i'm sure i found a preset a while ago for an fm synth that made the sound but i lost it.. a program set up would be wicked if you have time

Some sort of preset or walk through for fm7 would be really sweet. Smile
Hahaha was i ever that young Hahaha

still dunno about the 'dong' one though Lol
Yeah. These days it's known as 'donk'.
FM synths are key for this kind of woody percussive bass.

interms of the preset..i think a timpani or taiko preset for an fm synth would be a good place to start..


[Image: siggy.jpg]
magdusia Wrote:I just can't take it...omg omg...I just..I just can't...
its been a while since i used an fm synth for this purpose Chin
As for you who wonder why I bumped the thread in the first place, I am checking all previous posts in this forum to catch up on all the topics that you guys have brought up.

0=0, I'll check out the timpani and taiko presets. Thanks!
get the 'kicks like a mule - the bouncer' track pitch the bass down a bit - sure that was a 'photek bass'

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