It's Friday (most days)!!!!!

2221 Replies, 1257512 Views

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[Image: Ju3Bf.jpg]

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(kind of NSFW)
Good job I'm not at work then Lol

"Antidaephobia is the fear that somewhere in the world there is a duck watching you' What? Hahaha
damn you Widzhit and that site! Hahaha

I'm still browsing it Oops

All because of the facts of course! :P

Like the fact that Tiger shark embryo's fight each other in the womb and the survivor is the one that is born.
Euphony Wrote:damn you Widzhit and that site! Hahaha

I'm still browsing it Oops

All because of the facts of course! :P

Like the fact that Tiger shark embryo's fight each other in the womb and the survivor is the one that is born.


But you needed to know that, admit it!

I did! For when I am reincarnated in a Tiger sharks womb. Now I'll have the upper hand!

Or, more likely is this scenario:

I'll be thinking 'wtf is this place?, ah shit I'm in a feckin tiger sharks womb, I must be a tiger shark embryo, wtf is that? Another tiger shark embryo??'s coming back to me...yes I remember.. that Widzhit from that strange Inter-me-webby place was right. Shame I spent all that time staring at that attractive female humans curves as I can't remember what I'm supposed to be doing at this point. Why are they snarling their teeth at me?'


Reincarnation number 3..........


Too many classic lines to even quote.
Euphony Wrote:Reincarnation number 3..........



assuming Chris was the first
cube Wrote:assuming Chris was the first

I am number one Xyxthumbs

Euphony Wrote:Like the fact that Tiger shark embryo's fight each other in the womb and the survivor is the one that is born.

funny, I enjoyed learning about that fact as well...
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Keep JUMPin ya Bastids
I've watched this cat scrap about 50 times. It may be the best thing the internet has ever done.
Keep JUMPin ya Bastids
Naphta Wrote:I've watched this cat scrap about 50 times. It may be the best thing the internet has ever done.

Lol I couldn't stop watching it either!
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