THAT Photek Bass Sound

8 Replies, 7075 Views

There was a bass sound, what Mr. Parks used in a lot of tunes, example the legendary Ni Ten Ichy Ryu.
That bass sound like a slowed down percussion sound, maybe conga.

Here is the bass sound, I've tried to create a "usable" version from it, but its still the original Photek bass.

Attached Files
.zip   original photek (Size: 135.89 KB / Downloads: 28)
I've spent a lot of time to sample from old, obscure and rare library records, and found a percussion loop, don't ask where, I can't access to my sample library right now, but I've attached the two percussion samples.

Attached Files
.zip   rhythm - percussive links (Size: 9.03 KB / Downloads: 17)
.zip   rhythm - percussive links (Size: 10.44 KB / Downloads: 17)
The trick...

Sorry guys, but I can't remember everything, there was 1000 resamples and diff. eq-ing, reverbing, looping etc.


You have to slow down one of these, add some reverb (make a bigger, longer sound), and the key is the EQ preset, there is a big peak in the original Photek bass around 200Hz, so boost the sample on 200Hz, I think you'll be surprised!

I've attache my result, use it if you want, but do not forget to credit me in the interviews if you became a big Virgin Science artist Grin

Attached Files
.zip   my (Size: 124.02 KB / Downloads: 17)
morning.. i am pretty sure it is a japanese taiko drum you are looking for..

here is a tune i did with a taiko..

let me know if you want the taiko samples..
Course I want Grin
I never ingore any samples GrinGrinGrin
Do you ever make music Snaper or just recreate Photek?

Channel all that passion and energy into your own sound and style!

badman tune
Wilshy Wrote:Do you ever make music Snaper or just recreate Photek?

Channel all that passion and energy into your own sound and style!

Yapp, I made tunes, have some sh*tty releases, but you know, I was just happy with my results.
Photeks basses and drums are the really standards for that smokey jazzy abstract stuff what I do these days.
Thats all man Grin

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